This is my sugar space.
The world is not a lonely place.
Significant Human Experience for my English Class. My English teacher is my boy's adviser during his senior year.

The title will be "To Teach"

"I want to be a teacher. But nobody agrees with me to go for it.", I told Mrs. Bunag. Yes, she's is one of them. There goes my mom and my sister too. But I really want to be a teacher. What's wrong about being a teacher ? My mom complains about the (1.)salary teachers receive, (2.)the dedication, and (3.) Lack of rest. Money isn't the highlight of teaching, but education and success is. Like the engineers who design buildings and bridges, the success goes when they see that their children , their students, reached their dreams. When I finished Lualhati Bautista's Dekada '70, I concluded that being a mother is the hardest job in this planet. And being a teacher is being a mother - a source of knowledge for 50 students each year, for 40 years. Teachers look after the great students, the naughty students, the noisy ones, the unwanted, the confused, the clumsy, the sweet, the dreamers, and so on. Even though, I still want to be a teacher. I believe that we deserve education that will help us in facing life's challenges. Teachers are influential. They affect everyone's life. They touch the soul and the heart, and help people change. Filipinos deserve a better future - together with great and selfless teachers. To be a teacher, no it's not a job. Let me call it "Christian responsibility". You are a teacher on your own. And now, this is the time - you share yourself, all of you, to the world.

Note : This will be the one of the most memorable times of my Senior year - Choosing the right path.

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Posted on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 8:55 AM.